Blessed with an Angel
Grey River, 5
Angel Navarez came to Grey River looking for a better life for her and her son, but she hadn't counted on having to fight a man looking for revenge to live it. Noah and Chris Carson both recognized Angel as their Fated mate the moment they met.
But Noah firmly believed that his past actions made it impossible for him to have a future, so he left, fully expecting his brother to find happiness with their mate without him. But that changes when Angel is threatened and Noah drops everything to be there to protect her.
Chris convinces Noah that he's worthy of their dream, but he can't fight for their future if he continues to fight his past. They must work together to earn back Angel's trust and convince her that they can be the mates she deserves.
Just when their dream is within their grasp, the past catches up with them and the threat becomes very, very real
Grey River Series in Reading Order
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Blessed with an Angel
All rights reserved, Huatau Studios, Ltd
“Oh God, Chris, I don’t know if I can do this,” Angel sobbed and Noah felt a pain settle in his heart at her distress.
“Angel, of course you can,” Noah tried his best to channel the soft and encouraging tone his brother had been using.
“Noah’s right baby, you are one of the strongest women I know! You want to meet your baby boy, I know you do, and I can assure you he wants to meet you too,” Chris moved lower and Noah watched his hands working to help Angel birth her baby, and from the way she was tensing again, Noah knew a contraction had just hit her. He leaned into her, pushing her forward like she wanted and took her weight for her.
“That’s it, Angel! Here he comes, baby, here he comes... I’ve got him!” Chris announced as Angel collapsed, sobbing uncontrollably against Noah. A few seconds later there was a small cry, then a full-on wailing as the baby screamed his displeasure at what had just happened. Chris tore off his shirt, wrapped the baby in it and then immediately moved to place the bundle on his mama.
“Oh, my god, oh my god,” Angel cried as she wrapped her arms around the precious bundle and stared into the wrinkled little face. “Hi! Hi, baby boy, I’m your mama. Oh! You are so beautiful,” she whispered as she pressed her lips to his little forehead. Noah had to agree, he was looking at a strikingly beautiful baby, despite being fresh out of the oven and covered in...stuff.
“Fresh out of the oven,”—Chris’s laughing voice came down their link—“I dare you to say that out loud!”
Noah sent him a small smile and shook his head. He might have only just met Angel, but he knew that she wouldn’t find that description flattering at all. He had registered the sirens in the distance in the final moments of Angel giving birth, but hadn’t paid it any notice. Now he felt relief when he heard another ambulance screech to a halt outside the house.
“The ambulance is here, Angel,” Chris said tenderly, and Noah watched with a heavy heart as Chris leaned over and pressed a kiss to first Angel’s forehead and then the baby’s. “They are going to take you straight up to Labor and Delivery to get you cleaned up and I’ll meet you there, okay?”
Angel’s head flew up and whatever Chris saw in her gaze had him reassuring her. “I promise, baby, I will only be a couple of minutes behind you. I need to talk with Noah for a moment and then we’ll come up and see you.” Angel nodded hesitantly and Noah knew she would have rather had Chris go with her.
“Go with her, Chris.” Noah used their link for the first time in a very long time. “She’s scared and she needs you.”
Chris was quiet as his gaze bore into Noah and he felt almost stripped naked by the intensity of it. “There is nothing I want more than to go with her, but I think you and I need to have a conversation first.”
The next few minutes were filled with people moving quickly and efficiently to get Angel onto a stretcher and then they hustled her to the front of the house. Noah stayed back and out of sight. His head was spinning now that the adrenaline of the moment had faded, and it reminded him that he had recently suffered significant blood loss, still had three bullets in his back and a system full of jax. All in all, it was fucking surprising he was still on his feet.
“Noah,” Chris moved toward him, and Noah couldn’t stop himself from taking a small step back. He saw the pain on Chris’s face and immediately regretted the move, but Noah was worried about whether or not the poison could be absorbed by Chris if he came in contact with his blood.
Until he found out for sure, he was keeping his brother safe. Just as he always had and always would.
Chris made a frustrated sound as he ran his hands through his hair, a move Noah knew very well. “Shit, Noah. You’ve been gone for eight months. Eight fucking months with no word from you! You closed yourself off from our bond, and like a dumbass little brother I kept talking to you. Did you even hear me at all?”
“No,” Noah felt acid boiling in his stomach. He had never lied to Chris. Oh, sure he had omitted stuff, but what older brother didn’t? But bald face lied to his face? Never. Not until that very moment.
Chris exhaled hard, as if Noah had actually punched him in the stomach. “Okay then, so you left and severed contact with me. Why?” The pleading in his voice and filling his eyes almost had Noah telling him everything, just to get Chris to feel better.
“I’m just not meant to be here, Chris.” Noah didn’t lie this time. He truly believed he wasn’t worthy of returning to Grey River. Working as an Enforcer, and taking out shifter assholes that break their laws was his penance. “I can’t be here.”
“What about Angel? I know you felt the Quickening, the same as I did.” Chris stepped right up and got in his face and Noah almost smiled. Chris was the healer, not the fighter of the two brothers, but for his mate, he would stand toe-to-toe with a killer, and that was exactly what Noah was. “Are you just going to turn your back on our triad? Everything we hoped for and prayed for growing up is right in fucking front of us for the taking. Are you gonna reach out with me, and grab a hold of her and never fucking let her go?”
Reviews for
Blessed with an Angel
"Like any Maia Dylan book, this is extremely well written, with characters and situations that will grip you from start to finish. Definitely recommended by me."
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
"Awesome book! If you have followed this series from the beginning, then you know we met Rowena in the first book. Well, Ms. Dylan did not disappoint! The characters set fire to the pages, both in personality and love scenes. Extremely well written, great plot, and the paranormal element was believable!"
"Love how the chemistry is instantaneous between the four of them and that she looks upon all of the new thongs she learns with calmness and logic."
Sik Reviews
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