The Wolf and his Earth Goddess #newrelease #shifters #pnr
Hello Romance Lovers, It's alive... it's ALIVE!!! My first self-published book, a re-released edition of The Wolf and His Earth Goddess,...

Is this mic on...
Hello Romance Lovers, Man it is has been a hot minute since I spent some time with you all, or even on my own website! I have been...

GOOD WITH HIS HANDS by Lucy Felthouse (@cw1985) #romance #steamy #shortstory
Hello Romance Lovers The lovely and talented Lucy Felthouse joins us tonight with her latest release, Good with his Hands. I love this...

ACTS OF CONTRITION by Peri Elizabeth Scott #newrelease @AllysonYoung45
Hello Romance Lovers Peri Elizabeth Scott is in the house tonight with her latest, and it's a twofer. In one happy little package titles...

GOLDEN by @AllisonYoung45 #pnr #newrelease
Hello Romance Lovers The lovely Allyson Young stops by tonight to share with us two of her latest releases. The first one we have is...

HER'S TO LOVE #newrelease #pnr #mf #shifter @EvernightPub
Hello Romance Lovers I know it's been a while, but I have a release out this week! It is the first book in a two book series, titled,...

DENYING THE ALPHA - Bearly Caught @SM_Fiction #PNR #MF #RAWRRR @EvernightPub
Hello Romance Lovers Evernight Publishing have a new Anthology out, and it features some of my ALL TIME FAVORITES! Including the one and...

STRING OF PEARLS @parr_books #mm #scifi @EvernightPub
Hello Romance Lovers I am joined on my blog tonight by E.A. Parr who brings with her, her latest release, String of Pearls.

THE BEAST IN A SUIT @Elenakincaid1 #mf #romance #contemporary @EvernightPub
Hello Romance Lovers And also while I was incommunicado, the lovely and talented Elena Kincaid also had a new release out. It's a love...

HIDDEN CARGO @SM_Fiction #mfm #mm #scifi @EvernightPub
Hello Romance Lovers I know, you are probably sitting there thinking... Maia Who? Where the hell have I been for the last few months I...