Remembering Melaina
Grey River, 8
Sometimes the only way to keep fighting and survive today, is to embrace the pain of yesterday and remember who you are.
Melaina Christakos was beginning to understand just how true that was. She had always known her father was insane, hard not to when the man insisted on experimenting on her and the women she considered family.
But the depth of his madness becomes more apparent when she awakes in a hospital with no real memory of who she is and a light within that tells her not all is as it seems. Kyle and Grant Snow are being kept from their mate, and both of them have retribution in mind.
Melaina is in danger, and they need to get to her and will kill anyone who stands in their way. Once they find her, can Kyle and Grant prove that their future together is more than worth the pain of remembering her past?
Grey River Series in Reading Order
The excerpt below contain explicit adult language and sexual content. By reading any further, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, it is necessary to exit this site.
Remembering Melaina
All rights reserved, Huatau Studios, Ltd
Kyle stood up and walked toward the cold beers they had left on the table. “As I said before we even started on this journey, no more running like a pussy and no letting our father take this from us. We need to make our peace with our past, and move on to our future.” Kyle popped the top of two cold beers and handed one to his brother.
Grant reached out and grabbed the bottle and met Kyle’s gaze over the bottle as they both still held it in their hand. “I swear to you, Kyle, I am in this a hundred percent on this one. I know you still doubt me, but wait until you are in the same room as her. I believe that we will experience the Quickening once we are close enough to her, and then you will know for sure.”
Rhys and Jase Wilson had announced just recently they had found their mate, Parris, but had not been struck with the Quickening in that first moment of meeting. Both of them had to practically bury their nose in the woman’s neck before they experienced it. Parris, Melaina, and another woman called Pepper had been given these drugs to enhance certain psychic talents, but it had a very strange side effect. It masked a person’s scent. The person who had fed the three women that cocktail was Aristos Christakos, and what was even more fucked up about this whole situation was that the prick was Melaina’s father. And that was the first of what Kyle hoped would be many things they had in common. Both their fathers would never have won any father of the year awards.
A knock at the door to their motel room had them both tensing. Kyle spun around toward the entry and placed his barely touched beer on the dining table against the wall. He shared a quick look with his brother and knew that neither of them had heard anyone approaching. This was unusual given their enhanced hearing and left him unnerved. He lifted his head slightly and scented the air. There was nothing on the air to tell him who stood behind the door and his heart began to beat a little faster.
“Take the left,” Kyle sent to his brother down their familial link before he stood to the right of the front door, carefully lifting the curtain on the window beside it to see who stood at the door. He was surprised to see that the light just in front of their door had been extinguished. The figure stood in the darkened doorway wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up and their shoulders hunched. Although it was difficult to make out who it was, the figure was slight.
“Is it her?” Grant’s anxiety was evident in his voice.
Kyle didn’t take the time to answer because he had a very strong feeling that it was, and he didn’t want her out in the open any longer than necessary. He opened the door as quickly and quietly as he could, with the intention of waving the person into the room with little or no hesitation. He needn’t have worried, for as soon as the door was open the figure slipped in the slight gap and moved to the far wall, placing them out of view of anyone who happened to have been watching the door.
Kyle closed the door and then moved to stand in front of it with his arms crossed over his chest. If this wasn’t the elusive Melaina Christakos, then he and Grant were destined to have separate mates. Although this person’s scent was subtle, as they moved past her he caught a slight hint of spice that had his blood running hot and his dick filling fast.
Not taking his eyes off the newcomer, he spoke to Grant down their link. “Did you catch that scent?”
“Yeah, I did. It’s the second time I’ve caught a slight trace of it, and I have to tell you, my physical reaction is exactly the same.”
“Didn’t your mother ever teach you that it’s rude to talk about someone when they’re standing in the room with you?” Her voice was liquid sex as far as Kyle was concerned, filled with a sensual heat that had him wanting to close his eyes and groan. He fought the urge though as she lifted her hands to push back the hood of her sweatshirt, as more and more of her was revealed he knew he wouldn’t have missed this moment for the world. She had long, thick black hair. There was a slight curl to it, and made a man want to sink his hands right in, and pull her closer. She had startling blue eyes that reminded Kyle of her sister Xanthe’s, and to top it all off, she had full lips that simply begged to be kissed.
Reviews for
Remembering Melaina
"As you might have gathered, this book is full of action. My heart broke for Grant and Kyle at the beginning, but I loved how it turned out. This was a wonderful twist to the bond that I have read so much about. With a gripping pace and full of humor, this was a fantastic book and is definitely recommended by me."
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
"I loved that all of Grey River came together for Melania and her sister's protection. ."
Sik Reviews
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