Is this mic on...

Hello Romance Lovers,
Man it is has been a hot minute since I spent some time with you all, or even on my own website! I have been sitting back, waiting to get the rights returned on my work so I could self-publish them, and as I have books in mind for some of the worlds I have already created, I had to hold my muse back with a firm hand... perhaps a little harder than necessary as she tends to throw her creativity around like an uppercut!
So, I am relaunching my career as a self published author, and even have a new look logo to go with. I have Sinfully Sweet Designs, and the incredibly talented Jess Henshall to thank for that, and the stunning covers of my first self published series, Shifters of Freedom Springs, re-released with new content and a whole new book in the series.

Each of the female leads hold a piece of my personality, even Maggie, who is Casey and Ariana's mother, but adopts all the others. She is the maternal nature I never new I had. I wrote At Long Last, Maggie and Kingi's love story, this year, 2021 after finishing the other five books in the series in 2017.
At that time, I was a mother to two young children, but now as they grow older and face problems and challenges that can't be fixed with a candy bar and a band-aid, my mother bear maternal nature is coming on through strong! You can read all about these books and scheduled release dates in the link above.
So, I have a lot in store, re-releasing books I have written as they come back to me, and adding in the stories I have yet to tell in that world. I have at least two books left in my Grey River series, and I will start releasing these toward the end of next year and I have a whole new six book MM series called Pathfinders which is a spinoff from my Sniper Team Bravo series. Then, there are worlds and stories that have been waiting so patiently, Knights of the Celtic Circle, Fated Ink, and The Medusa Collective to name a few.
I need to thank those of you who have been with me since the beginning, and are still here while Maia gets her shit together. You have waited so damn patiently and I know that you are looking for books from me that I have every intention to write, but need to get the rights back to the others before I can release them. I hope you'll stick in there with me as I learn this self-pub thang, and wrangle my poor abused muse into working with me a little better.
Look out for more from me, old and new over the coming months, and into 2022. Hope you are all well, and I send love, laughter, giggles and good book times to you all.
Be kind to each other,
Hugs and kisses,
