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The Trouble with Parris

Grey River, 7

Grey River 7.jpg

Faced with her own mortality, Parris Church seeks out one of the only people in the world she can trust. Before Parris can get to her, the seizures that have been plaguing force her into hiding.


Jase and Rhys Wilson find a woman hurt and hiding behind their garden shed. Then their day gets a little strange. It turns out that she's their mate, on the run from a mad man, and suffering from a medical condition she's not interested in talking about.


Despite her belief that there is no future for the three of them, Jase and Rhys are determined to give her a reason to live. When they are finally given a solution that might help, Parris is followed to Grey River by a friend in need and an enemy with revenge in mind.


Parris, Jase, and Rhys must deal with both if they're going to have any chance of a future.

Grey River Series in Reading Order


The excerpt below contain explicit adult language and sexual content. By reading any further, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, it is necessary to exit this site.


The Trouble with Parris


All rights reserved, Huatau Studios, Ltd



“What are you?” she whispered, her apprehension clear in her tone.


The brothers both seemed to wince and the blue flashing their eyes had been doing stopped. They shared an intense look, and Paris acted on a hunch and pushed into their minds. Agony ripped through her at the move, and she locked her jaw against the scream that threatened to let loose.


“So we are in agreement, we tell her the truth.”


Jase’s voice sounded clear in her head, each word like the slice of a knife within her skull.


“Yeah, Ty has already declared it legal to tell mates, so yeah, we should tell her,” Rhys answered.


Parris could hold the link no more. She disconnected and fell back against her pillows gasping for air, closing her eyes against the light in the room, and fighting a wave of nausea.


She could hear movement and voices around her, but she ignored them and focused her attention on breathing through the pain. After a few moments that may have actually been hours, she cracked her eyes opened and took another deep, shaky breath. The coppery tang of blood that tinged the air had her frowning.


“Parris, can you hear me?” Dr. Carson’s tone was calm and unhurried. “I need you to open your eyes and talk to me.”

Parris pushed aside nausea and pain and opened her eyes farther. She blinked rapidly to clear her gaze and slowly brought the doctor’s face into focus.


“That’s it, come on back to us, sweetness.”


Parris turned her head slightly and caught sight of Jase and Rhys standing close to her bed on the opposite side to the doctor. They stood with mirrored expressions of concern mixed with relief, no doubt from seeing her awake.




She turned back toward the doctor, thankful that the room was no longer spinning as fast as it had been moments before.


“Tell me how you feel?”


Parris sighed. “Other than a headache that could quite potentially put a hippopotamus on its ass, I’m just peachy.”

Chris grinned as he shone a small penlight into her eyes. She winced at the twinge of pain the light caused but froze at the sound of growling that echoed against the walls of her hospital room. Chris winked at her before he lifted his gaze to the two men growling—fucking growling—from the opposite side of the bed. “Ignore these two, they just don’t like the fact that you’re in pain.”


“No fucking kidding,” Rhys snarled, and there was a distinct distortion to his voice.


Again Parris found herself wondering what in the hell they were. And if Rhys and Jase were both telepathic and had powers that had their eyes changing colors, then perhaps Chris Carson did too. Melaina had told her she could trust everyone here and that they had nothing but her safety and best interests in mind, but did she know they were kinda possessed?


“You’ve had another seizure,” Chris informed her, and Parris knew it was a result of her using her powers. “You had a pretty severe nose bleed, that I figure was triggered by the blood vessel that was damaged during the seizure itself. Now, you need to make a decision, Parris. We’ve talked about this in private since I admitted you a week ago, and without any further incidents, I haven’t pushed you to let Rhys and Jase in on what is going on with you. However, this last seizure was a doozy, and without Melaina here, you are going to need the support I know these two growling knuckleheads can give you but only if you are open and truthful with each other.”


Chris looked up at stared pointedly at Rhys and Jase. “And only if all of you are open and honest with each other. That means you two bastards are going to have to man up and tell this woman what she needs to know. Now, I’m going to head out and grab some of the test results I’ve been waiting on. I will be back here in about fifteen minutes.” With that cryptic message to the room, he swept out the door.


Jase reached over and clasped her hand in his. When she met his gaze, she felt a connection within her start to pulse.

“Sweetheart, are you okay? You scared the shit out of us.”


Parris looked between him and Rhys and could read the fear they had for her clearly in their expressions. Before leaving, Melaina had told her to trust these men, and Chris had basically just said the same damn thing. Taking a breath, she opened her mouth and took a chance.


“I’m dying.”

Reviews for

The Trouble with Parris

"This book is full of action, with Melaina's story continuing as a small sideline. Parris is very strong, although she doesn't see it. She is the perfect mix of innocence and strength, and although she has seen and done things that no one should have to, it hasn't changed her. Well written, with plenty of things going on to keep your interest, this book is a wonderful addition to the Grey River series. Definitely recommended by me."

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!



"The trouble with Parris is that she is too smart, too brave, too loving and too perfect for Rhys and Jas."

Sik Reviews



"I'm addicted to Maia Dylan's Grey River series. I found the first book through an amazon recommendation and haven't looked back since. I pre-order them when I can or else I buy them on release day. I cannot wait until the next one about Melania comes out. If you love paranormal menage romance, Maia Dylan is a must read."

Amazon review


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